Blessed by the Sea
My dad once told me that when I only a few months old he took me to the beach, asked the ocean to bless me and sprinkled a few drops of her water on my forehead. I will never know for sure if this a poetic version of my entrance in this life but it doesn’t make much difference because I believe it is true. Perhaps this is the reason I could never live long periods of time away from the ocean. Whenever I did move away from her my life became a mess. In fact, I am writing these lines looking at the very beach my dad supposely christened me with the ocean water.
I took a photo to share with you the view I see right now from my window.

Contemplating the ocean gives me such a peace that even when I am down and sad her serenity and grandiosity calms my soul.
I speak with the ocean and she always replies.

She gives answers nobody else would be capable to tell me. She understands the deepest abysses of my spirit just as much as she is always happy when I share my joy of being alive. And she never judges me. This is important because I have been taught to be very judgemental about both me and others and this judgmental thing becomes one of our biggest liability. Once we stop judging we stop expecting. Once we stop expeting we stop getting hurt so much. And once we stop gettin g hurt all the time we learn to forgive. So, if we don’t judge we forgive. And forgivenees is a very acurate recipe for happiness. Following this tautological logic, then, the ocean makes us happy.
You should try it someday. You don’t need the ocean if don’t live near her. A lagoon, a lake or a river will do the same for you. Quiet your mind but don’t force and never tell your mind to shut up. That would be a wrong move. What you can do instead isto keep looking at the waters and let your thoughts flow. Just like the waters flow, let the thoughts follow their own course. If you focus on the water you will be surprised that sooner than you thought your mind will rest. Our body is made of water so our organic being will recognize the power of the ocean ( or the water you are looking at) and it will respect her. Then, slowly but firmly ask the waters the questions you need answered. Better than that, just observe the waters. The answers will come. Always.